Thank you for visiting us here at The Campaign for English Devolution (England, UK). We are a growing group of 'Native' White English People (born and bred), and also others who have made their homes here from other countries, or were born here of foreign parents or grandparents. We are of different ages, faiths, races, professions, and backgrounds that believe passionately in the creation of a 'GOVERNMENT OF ENGLAND' within the UK. YES we do support English Independence long term, but support Devolution first and foremost, as the first stage within England's new political journey and autonomy.
1. Research, 2. Promote, 3. Campaign.
We visit most places across the country and distribute leaflets door to door, do presentation talks and general campaigning, to bring awareness of England lacking its own government. We also regularly contact politicians and the media to promote the cause. These activities will all increase over time.
We believe in POLITICAL EQUALITY for England, in line with our 3 United Kingdom neighbours: (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland). All of which, have devolved governments of their own and have done for many years now. It is vitally important for the growth, development and progression of all English people to have their own political voice through an English Government.
For too long now England has been controlled and ruled by the British, who do not respect or value the English people. We have never been granted self-government or a political voice. The English identity has been eroded by the British one. The very fact England was not given English Devolution when all our neighbours were in the 1990s, says it all, and now is the time for REAL CHANGE!
The British Government treats England as its base to administer a 'colonial' type governance of the other 3 parts of the United Kingdom. They all have Secretary's of State, they all have government departments specifically for the devolved nations, England does not. Not to mention all the English tax payers money flowing into those jurisdictions, which could and should be used to improve English public services instead.
England is the largest part of the UK, pays the most taxes, contributes the most, yet do the British allow us English to have a government of our own like the Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish? No! TIME FOR REAL CHANGE WE BELIEVE.
The British Empire is over, yet the very fact that the United Kingdom continues as it does without an English Government is wrong and unjust.
Through Self-Government (Devolution) for England, the lives of people living in England can only get better. It might not fix all of the problems we face within England today, but they will be our own problems, and for us English to find solutions to, rather than being controlled and dictated to by the British.
Many negative historical events occurred by the rulers of our land towards our neighbours, mainly the Royals and British Governments, and through creating an English State, we can build on better relations with those that share these islands with us in a positive, productive, equal way.
There have been many historical injustices locally, such as in 1536, the act of union between England & Wales, in 1707 between England & Scotland and in 1801 between Great Britain & Ireland. Yet, there was no public vote or referendum back then, the rulers of the day (Royals mainly) told people what to do, and they had no choice but to do it, and yet they call the UK a democratic nation!!!
English Devolution would give England its national identity back, it would give English people a sense of their own identity and self worth, just like all other nations across the world take for granted.
England is already an established brand globally, such as in football and the English language. But without a country of its own. Currently we are under the British Government and British flag (Union Jack). Our group was set up to put a stop to that madness and give England her voice.
If you are Native English, or even of Foreign Origins, join us today, all welcome to serve England and make this a better country for all!
Dr J. Woods - Deputy Leader
Vacant - Campaigns
Mr C. Smith - Finances
Mrs J. Allinson - Administration
Miss S. Crellin - Communication
We have various volunteers and supporters across England and beyond.
Copyright © 2025 The Campaign For English Devolution - All Rights Reserved.