What is Devolution?
Definition of Devolution:
Transference; (as of rights, powers, property, or responsibility) to another, especially : the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government.
Source: www.merriam-webster.com.
In the same way other parts of our United Kingdom were granted a referendum, England would be granted one too. The English People would be given a democratic choice whether to vote for it or against it.
If the majority voted for it, then there would be the creation of an English Parliament, the election of political parties to enter it, and the appointment of a First Minister, to be head of the English Government and the appointment of departmental cabinet ministers.
There would be laws set for England only, legislation and policy matters by English only MEPs (Members of the English Parliament).
Devolution can lead to what many of the English People want, English Independence from the UK and a country of our own, but devolution is the first stepping stone to gaining experience with self-government, it is NOT independence from Britain.
YES to National Devolution, NO to regional devolution!
Devolution has worked very successfully in Scotland and Wales, and to a lesser degree, in Northern Ireland. All three of those countries have a stronger sense of identity, pride and purpose than we do here in England, and this is a direct result of them having their own political voice and a government based in their own jurisdiction, standing up for their interests alone. England does not have that yet, because the British Government refuse to grant it!
If the City of London can be granted Devolution and have the London Assembly, then there is NO REASON why the British Government cannot grant England, as a united country - Devolution. NOT regional assemblies, which nobody wants and would split up our green and pleasant land. That is not real devolution for England. REAL Devolution is a single, national English Government and Parliament.
Even very small local territories such as the Isle Of Man, Jersey, Guernsey and Gibraltar, which are all connected to us as British Citizens, have their own governments. Yet England, the largest part of the British Isles does not, and the British Government feel that is fair and just, we disagree!
Devolution is NOT Independence, so for the Pro-British out there, you have nothing to fear, it would not make you an English Citizen! People within England would still be part of GB/UK. The big difference would be England having its own government, own laws, and own country officially. This is the very least the British HM Government can grant the English People after years of being ignored and the only part of the United Kingdom not to have its own self-government and political voice to sort out the problems we all face, and to improve the environment, public services, local government, healthcare, housing, education, employment, policing, etc, etc.
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